“indelible” The blood that is spilled cannot be washed away even by the purest water What blood was not shed for women’s hair.. What pure eyes that were not blinded by women’s hair.. What heads did not hang for women’s hair.. These bloods will take us all one day.. Every strand of my hair is […]
Category Archives: Performance
I always enjoy searching and new experience. Of recognizing real life up to supernatural life. Everywhere I look, I find a part of myself in nature as if I was born again and again. Never see myself a unique creature, as if all creatures are signs of each other’s. In the sky mirror project, while […]
“The proliferate of femininity” I’m a woman, I plait and tie, I plait and tie my greens and hair so much That is disentanglement proliferates of my femininity. Razieh Goudarzi / 2023, April,2 / Honam region, Lorestan, Iran / camera: Rasool Karami
Every day we see many things around ourselves but never watch or notice them. I don’t know what the reason of not watching is…perhaps it has become usual for us. watching | 2019 | 13th Valence Art symposium | Hungary
I will do everything for your freedom You have been inside me for years , now it’s time to get out your freedom | 2021 | INFINITE Live Hive, PAN Asia 21 | performance art network Asia | South Korea
The blood that is shed is never cleansed even with the purest water (At this critical time in my country, when the governments are rudely trying to hold elections and have forgotten how much blood they have shed and continue to invite people to vote between bad and worse. I tried with this Performing in […]
For years, I had chained myself to empty and useless thoughts and ideas Sometimes I accepted them very easily and sometimes with difficulty But every time I looked back I saw the feeling of captivity in myself until I decided to free myself from all these shackles Makhmal koh | AUSTRAL performance art festival Buenes […]
In the hustle and bustle, the days pass for me with a pleasant and attractive song; Even with all the clutter and noise, it is sometimes dizzying and sometimes enjoyable. It is still fascinating for me to see the mountains and the trees and the people and the buildings of my city, despite their duplication. […]
Interaction/ Tara and Razieh (Taraz group)/ 2018/ Video/ Kaldar cave, Khorramabad, Iran